Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Waiting for answers...

...or at least some insight.

Eva was examined by an occupational therapist last week.  She performed well.  That's good right?  I describe it like this:  Eva is an over-comer.... She figures out how to perform a task even if it isn't comfortable.  She performs well.  The point of therapy is to build skills she doesn't have.  While she continues to benefit from adjusting some of the skills she has acquired, she isn't actually lacking.  She looks good on paper. 

Now come and spend a day with her and watch her.  She will surprise you with her vocabulary, color recognition, and ability to keep right alongside her older sister.  You will also be surprised to see her zone out and rock... for extended periods.  You will be surprised to see her fall right off a little tikes chair, come to me crying and then refuse to let me care for her.  How do you fix that? 

We're still waiting on some answers.