Sunday, July 13, 2014

Faith like a child

We started with a bitty idea.  My daughters, 4 and 6 years old, are at a ripe age to explore the principles of generosity, sympathizing with the needs and pains of others, and the command to give. We began by planting a seed: we read an autobiography on George Mueller.

Their eyes widened at his courage and hearts wondered at his faith.  I extended an invitation for their help.  Truthfully, I was to be involved as little as possible.  We brainstormed together- the 4, 6, and 32 year olds.

A plan emerged.  The girls would craft necklaces to sell at our garage sale.  All money raised from this free will donation would be directly donated to Gospel for Asia.

They set their own goals.  Mia wanted to raise $2 to purchase two tracts.  Eva hoped to gain $20 to buy one blanket.  We prayed.

If I am honest, I truly thought they may raise $5 with the help of my parents.   But, it wasn't the dollar amount that I was striving toward.  The entire process was working to concoct beautifully generous hearts in a magical way that none of my lectures could achieve.

The garage sale operated on two consecutive weekends.  I am not exaggerating when I say that NO money was raised the first weekend!  Yet, the kids were not in the least disappointed!

The first day of the second weekend, customers' attentions were drawn to the shines necklaces.  That evening, we counted $22 and a small amount of change... Nearly exactly what they had set out to raise!!

The following day, they more than doubled their earnings.  In the end, their father matched the generosity given by strangers and a grand total of $112 was laid down to give away!

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