God has demonstrated His trustworthiness in my life in innumerable circumstances. Yet, trusting Him to orchestrate the details of the VBS teaching on Tuesday was a trust fall for me.
Children filed into our church surrounded by cornfields. About 130 children actually. Most are familiar with Harvest Fellowship church leaders but many have never walked through our doors or only visit this third week of July each year. These children, these eyes searching for entertainment-because, let's be honest, how many come searching Truth?- they are expecting me to give them something they hadn't come in with. To give them a clearer picture of what Jesus is. I told them yesterday that He is trust.
The worship is on cue. Leaders lead. Children sing. Watch. Praise.
The music lowers and the actors that practiced diligently for days file on stage. I watch closely, hoping I can some how bridge the gulf of their presentation of God Is Holy to my object lesson. I breathe. Then can hardly breathe. The skit seems to slow down a bit, as if I'm the only one observing, as I watch in amazement as the very lesson I changed only hours before was demonstrated in detail on the stage.
Though we had
It was on of those goose bump moments. One of those, I-gotta-tell-someone moments.
The lesson I taught went beautifully for the four year olds. Again for the fives. And six and sevens. Finally for the seven and eight year olds. Seventy sets of ears heard that teaching and had no idea of the way it was lined up. No thought of the faith.
Sadly, by the end, I started to wonder myself. Is it really that miraculous of an event? Seriously, it was just one lesson....
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