Monday, July 21, 2014

VBS trust

Woooo weeeee!

Last week was a whirlwind crazy-busy week of VBS for our church in the country.  I was roped into given the privilege of creating and teaching the BibleStudy curriculum for about seventy 4-8 year olds.

The five days spent investing into these young impressionable lives went swimmingly!  The only hiccup for me, personally, was the sinus infection/cold/allergies (someone please tell me how to know the difference) that hit like a sledge hammer on Wednesday.  I was in bed before 9pm both Wednesday and Thursday night, complete with snoring.  Sunday's recoperations included a two hour nap!

However, before the gailstorm of congestion, sore throat, sneezing, and watery eyes, events worthy of attention fell upon our VBS group.  I write them here as a testament to the simple profound love and guidance of the Lord in our lives.
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The week's focus was on the character of God.  To concentrate on who the God of the Bible declares himself to be.  An outline of attribute was compiled:

God is trustworthy, 
God is holy, 
God is just, 
God is forgiving,
God is love

Monday's lesson on trust included a trust-fall and exploring evidence of the Lord's trustworthiness.  The truth is, trust is not difficult to explain.  Four year olds easily understand that falling is scary UNLESS there is someone you trust waiting to catch you!

Holiness, however, is a much broader idea. Or maybe much less familiar.  And this unfamiliar truth about God was my responsibility to demonstrate on Tuesday.

Months ago, I organized my object lessons, listed needed materials, and handed a rough rough draft to our skit lady.  The plan was to explain the story of Moses being called in the dessert.  Burning bush.  God's holy mountain.  Remove your shoes.

Fast forward to ONE day of trust lessons with twelve 4 year olds, and I had a good idea that this was not going to be effective.

I prayed.  Pleaded God for direction.  As 8:00pm became nine and then ten, an idea emerged.  A simple lesson that I had tested two years ago with great response.  A picture of holiness as 'pure'ness, 'clean'ness.  Contrast this with the filth of sin.  It is an effective visual.  I felt a great relief, reasonably sure the lesson was a direction from God.  Still, there was a slight hesitation...

See, the skit and the lessons work hand in hand as a flow of thought.  I wouldn't have the opportunity to inform the skit director of the change and she wouldn't have the chance to rewrite it even if i could.

Slowly, I am learning that obedience is the best position to be in.  Hadn't I just taught that God can be trusted?!

To be continued....

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